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Terrington Parish Council

with Wiganthorpe & Ganthorpe
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Terrington Cemetery

Terrington Cemetery is owned and operated by Terrington Parish Council which is the burial authority.

Contact details

The Burial Authority Officer is responsible for the operation of the cemetery and can be contacted as follows:

Burial Authority Officer

Cllr Bill Winning
Address: Plump House, Main Street, Terrington, York, YO60 6QB
Tel: 01653 648409

Deputy Burial Authority Officer

Cllr Clara Challoner Walker
Tel: 07785 555875

Information and application forms

Cemetery information documents are available here:

Application forms for burials and for the erection of memorials are available here:

History of the Cemetery

Mowthorpe Lane Cemetery was created in 1905 by a Joint Burial Authority, comprising Terrington Parish Council and Ganthorpe Parish Meeting, for residents of Terrington and Ganthorpe, succeeding the Churchyard which had served all residents up to then. The acre of land was provided by the Lord of the Manor, the 9th Earl of Carlisle, having previously been farmed by Thomas Goodwill. The walls which surround the burial ground were built by mason John Goodwill from stone and sand supplied by Castle Howard at 6d a load.

The first burial took place in November 1905 but the new bier, needed to transport burials from the church to the cemetery, didn’t arrive till two weeks later. Part of the cemetery was consecrated by the Bishop of Beverley in November 1907.